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Sunday, August 02, 2009

cricket league day-5 part 1

day 5 part 1 saw a clash between deccan chargers and kamikaze express.
deccan chargers 96runs in 15 overs (batted first), won the match
team captain bhargav played captians knock scoring the first 50 of the tournament
kamikaze express put up a tough fight and it was difficult to tell the outcome of the match.
kapil aware kept the outcome of the match guessing by scoring 38 runs.
bhargav was the blued eyed boy today taking 5 wickets and was successful in restricting the bangalore teams score to 80!

umpires Sushil and Mate did a wonderful job on the field
sports secretary nilesh naik maintained the scores.

team ISA kindly requests the team captians to send the score sheet to
after the matches.


Anonymous said...

Its not Kapil Aware...its Kapil Haware!

Guess the site can do with a bit more professional writing!

Anonymous said...

Do the team captains have the scoresheets?
We were thinking they were with the scorer!

Also, it would be better if u can put up the table of points along with the NRR.

Anonymous said...

And please its not Deccan Chargers, its just Chargers!

Anonymous said...

cut the crap Mr.Anonymous, if u have that much time why dont u come and update the blog. Appreciate the fact, that somebody is there updating the blog instead of criticizing it...

rohitkadam said...

hey thnak you guys,
for the comments atleast we are getting annonymous comments.
we will make the corrections